Monday, February 16, 2015

What Everyone Should Know About Islam and Muslims

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What Everyone Should Know About Islam and Muslims

human beings is to acknowledge, worship and obey Him alone, and at the same time to manage the affairs of this world and administer it with justice and righteousness according to His allwise laws.

How do we know all this? How can a mere human being, a very limited and finite creature know about God—that is, about Infinity and His purposes for mankind, the answers to the multitude of basic questions which en compass God's nature and attributes, the human being's relationship to Him, and why he has been put into this world? We are living in an era in which we have increasingly lost the conviction of the meaning and purpose of existence; indeed, the entire complex of modern civilization seems to proclaim the utter purposelessness and meaninglessness of life. Then how can we know?
Indeed, these are the most vital and basic questions for any human being. Without satisfactory answers to them, life makes no sense. It has neither purpose nor meaning, and one is simply going through the motions of living without any reason other than the fact that he happens to be alive. Hence the essential task facing each individual is to search for the answers to these questions until he finds them and, when he has found them, to acknowledge their truth and to live by them as faithfully as he can. But the question remains: Where are the answers to them to be found?
Assuredly, if (as many people believe) religion were simply a device invented by the human being to explain the world of nature or for ordering human affairs, human beings would have
been able to arrive at satisfactory answers to these questions through their own reasoning and observation and to guide their lives by them in a suitable manner: the worship of the forces of nature, spirits and demons, sticks and stones and gods made by human hands and mythological figures connected to the world of men by their semi-human nature represents various efforts on their part to do so throughout the course of history. But to arrive at the objective truth. at a correct knowledge of the meaning and purpose of existence, the nature and attributes of the Creator of all things, and of the human being's role and ultimate destiny.

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